The Agriculture loan provides financing for both crop animal production projects within Botswana. The agriculture...
About Us
We welcome you to the NDB website and we trust you will find it informative.
National Development Bank was established under an act of parliament in 1963.The Bank is owned by the Government of Botswana and operates under the control of a Board of Directors appointed by the Minister of Finance and Development Planning. In 1998, NDB became the first Bank in Africa to be certified under ISO 9001:2000 International Quality Standards.
Fraud Hotlines
Please call any of these numbers below to report any fraudulent activity...
Mascom: 71119673
Orange: 1144
BTC: 0800600644
Client Stories
These are testimonies from individuals and business owners who through the assistance of the NDB have managed to start successful businesses and created sustainable jobs for Batswana.