Nthuta School fees loan caters for all educational expenses for pre- school up to tertiary education, primarily for...
Temo Letlotlo
Temo Letlotlo is Botswana government’s flagship productivity-output led and reward-based agro-ecological Programme whose main aim is to improve food security at household and national level. The main intention of the program is to get farmers into a commercial way of operating.
The Programme has two components being Household Food Security and National Food Security. The Household Food Security component assists Micro-Scale Farmers with hundred percent subsidy and targets the farming population with no wage or monthly income up to P2.500.00.
Fraud Hotlines
Please call any of these numbers below to report any fraudulent activity...
Mascom: 71119673
Orange: 1144
BTC: 0800600644
Client Stories
These are testimonies from individuals and business owners who through the assistance of the NDB have managed to start successful businesses and created sustainable jobs for Batswana.